Bob is my 80 year old grandfather, but I call him Bob instead of grandfather. Always have. I moved from my parent's house in January 2010 to Bob's house. Bob is eccentric, even as far as old men go. I always appreciated it, but I was never quite exposed to it this much. Now, I want everyone to know about my experiences. You may laugh, but I shake my head. All of these short stories are true. They are not fabricated or exaggerated. They are Bob at his finest. If 'finest' is the right word
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Corn Spider
When Bob was making his cereal last night, he noticed a stray corn flake lying on the stove. He picked it up and was about to put it in his mouth when he stopped to examine it a little closer. It was then that he realized that it was not a corn flake at all. It was a dead spider. He told me all of this earlier this morning with another warning not relay the story to the Facebook community. "Bob, I have to."