Bob is my 80 year old grandfather, but I call him Bob instead of grandfather. Always have. I moved from my parent's house in January 2010 to Bob's house. Bob is eccentric, even as far as old men go. I always appreciated it, but I was never quite exposed to it this much. Now, I want everyone to know about my experiences. You may laugh, but I shake my head. All of these short stories are true. They are not fabricated or exaggerated. They are Bob at his finest. If 'finest' is the right word
Sunday, December 19, 2010
While we are eating dinner in Denny's, Bob whispers, "What's our waitress' name?" "Keisha, I think." Bob leans in, "Keystone???" "No, KEISHA." About 5 minutes later, Keisha approaches our table and asks Bob if he would like more water. Bob replies, "That would be great, Keystone." Smiling, I bury my face in my hands until she walks away. "No one would name their kid 'Keystone'... KEISHA!"
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My brothers, Bob, and I attended the homecoming football game this past Friday. In spite of his renowned severe case of acid reflux, Bob thought it prudent to scarf down a barbaque sandwich at half time. At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Bob tells me, "I threw up three times on the track." I look up to see th...ree pools of shimmering orange on the track surrounding the field. "I don't know you."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Gump
While watching the 80's movie "Big", Bob leaps about half-way out of his chair exclaiming, "That is the Gump! That is the guy on the Gump!!!" Without even turning my head, I ask "What is the Gump?" knowing he has no idea what is talking about. "The Gump!" he says again pointing at the screen. Ah, now I see. "Yes, Bob, Tom Hanks is the Gump." I smile as Bob reclines again, basking in the pride of identifying a pop culture icon.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Bob gave me $10 to cut his toenails. 9 of his 10 nails are corn kernal yellow. The big toenails are about 3x thicker/longer than the average man's. Accumulated dead skin under each nail compounded my clipping difficulties. It was the nails' texture that finally convinced me that it was a bad deal. Each surface was characterized by crevices, ridges, and gorges that would be a topographer's worst nightmare. I only gagged twice.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Potato Chips
When Bob eats potato chips, he takes a handful out of the bag and stuffs them in his mouth all at once. This did not bother me until I began to notice that he would lick his entire index finger before putting his hand back into the bag. I decided I needed to say something to him when potato chips were sticking to my fi...ngers after I packed my lunch for work. Apparently, empty calories are the least of my worries.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Roller Coaster
Yesterday Bob, who turns 80 in September, decided that he was going to go to Kings Dominion and ride the rollercoasters. He was especially excited to ride the new Intimidator305. Here is the description of this rollercoaster. It is he tallest and fastest roller coaster of its type on the East Coast. It is only the second giga-coaster ever built in North America. It is 305 feet tall or roughly the size of a 30 story building. It descends 300 feet at an 85 degree-angle at speeds in excess of 90 miles per hour.
Now, no amount of talk from me could convince him that this probably wasn't the best idea in the world. In fact, he told me "I bet lots of 90 years olds have ridden it." Yeah, right. Tons, I'm sure.
Anyway, he gets there and decides to ride the Volcano as a warm-up...his first ride upon entering the park. He terms this a "middle of the road" rollercoaster. The Volcano goes from about 0 to 70 in 2 seconds. He decides, despite the warnings of the park personnel to put your head against the head rest, to lean forward and close his eyes. When this thing takes off, his head shoots back like he has been hit from behind by a tractor trailer smashing his head into the head rest. This coaster catapults straight up and starts doing loopty-loops. Bob says "I really thought I was going to die."
Long story short, the great rollercoaster experiment ends with a bad case of vertigo, a bad headache and a case of whiplash, but no Intimidator305. Makes me wonder how so many 90 year olds are riding this thing.
Now, no amount of talk from me could convince him that this probably wasn't the best idea in the world. In fact, he told me "I bet lots of 90 years olds have ridden it." Yeah, right. Tons, I'm sure.
Anyway, he gets there and decides to ride the Volcano as a warm-up...his first ride upon entering the park. He terms this a "middle of the road" rollercoaster. The Volcano goes from about 0 to 70 in 2 seconds. He decides, despite the warnings of the park personnel to put your head against the head rest, to lean forward and close his eyes. When this thing takes off, his head shoots back like he has been hit from behind by a tractor trailer smashing his head into the head rest. This coaster catapults straight up and starts doing loopty-loops. Bob says "I really thought I was going to die."
Long story short, the great rollercoaster experiment ends with a bad case of vertigo, a bad headache and a case of whiplash, but no Intimidator305. Makes me wonder how so many 90 year olds are riding this thing.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Most Thursday nights, Bob takes me to KFC. On one particular outing, he instructed me to go to the register and get him some honey packets. I should have refused, but I didn't know he would spend the remainder of the meal poking holes in the packets with his fork and sucking all the honey out of them into his mouth. For "dessert", he ingested about ten of those packets. Bob the bumble bee.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Rude Boy II
Bob's new ringtone rang for the first time in a public setting last night. The song Rude Boy blared at highest volume in his Tuesday night bible class. To my surprise and amusement, he is keeping the ringtone. I am positive he is unaware of the song's connotations. So, whenever you hear the voice of Rihanna blasting out inappropriate lyrics, think of Bob. It might not hurt to took for him too.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Rude Boy
Bob has a cell phone. Well, sort of. He leaves it in the charger all day and has never taken it anywhere. He uses the eraser-side of an orange pencil to push the buttons because his fingers can't. He "doesn't know how" to receive calls; he only uses it for outgoing calls. So, I suppose I shouldn't feel too guilty for secretly purchasing Rihanna's "Rude Boy" to be his default ringtone. Don't tell him.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The other night and Bob informs me that he made his own pepperoni pizza for dinner. "There was only one problem with the pizza," he said, "I forgot to put on the cheese." I reply, "Maybe I'm old fashioned, but it really isn't a pizza without cheese." "It didn't really taste like pizza should taste." Pizza is complicated...no it's not.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Yesterday, Bob and I were playing "basketball" at the YMCA. Most of the time, Bob pulled out his best imitation of Jerry West by attempting hook and granny shots that would normally fall about five feet short of the hoop. However, I will always remember him trying to dribble, pulling up, and swishing a 3 pointer from d...owntown. He gives me a sheepish grin upon seeing my stunned face. Bob be ballin.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Solar Powered
While cleaning in the kitchen, Bob turned to me, pulled out an old Texas Instuments calculator, and bragged, "I have had this calculator for the past 40 years and it still works." "Great," I said without looking up. I then glanced over and saw him place the calculator in the middle of a sunbeam on a window sill. Knowing what he was doing, I asked, "Why are you putting that there?" "You see this little thing here? It's solar powered; it needs the sun." "It doesn't need the sun."
Monday, May 10, 2010
I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening. At 5:06 AM, in peers the scantily-clad silhouette of Bob. "What do you want?", I ask. "There's a thunderstorm outside," he replies. With that, he closes my door and goes back to his room. All of a sudden, the storm that could not wake me before prohibits my returning to sleep now. However, thanks to the maroon-robed wonder, I'm now aware there is a storm outside.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Bob's version of the following mnemonic: "Thirty days have September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one... but February... rides a bike and eats peanut butter." Just a friendly reminder to all of us to quit while we're ahead.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Last night, Bob looked at me and proclaimed, "I am going to eat healthier." With that, he took a handful of extra frozen fruit and poured it on top of his cereal mountain which he was preparing for the following morning. It took a little longer than I thought, but 30 minutes later, he proceeded to ask, "When would you like to go to CiCi's?" I buried my face in my hands and replied, "We aren't going to CiCi's again."
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Old Food
Today, I went in the fridge to find some mustard for my sandwich. I just happened to check the expiration date which said 9-12-1996. I informed Bob that his mustard dated back to Bill Clinton's first term in office, and he scoffed, "Oh, those expiration dates are big scams to get you to buy more food." Or to keep you alive.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Ice Cream
The other night, Bob took out a newly bought half gallon of PET butter pecan ice cream. I went upstairs to do some homework for a little while. By the time I get back down, I notice an empty ice cream carton in the recycling. I go into the living room to confirm my suspicions. He sheepishly replies, "I took a couple bites, and before I knew it, it was gone." By that point, I was more impressed than anything else.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Santa Baby
Bob's taste in music is about as narrow as possible. Since I have lived in his house, Bob has popped only one CD in the CD player. It has ten tracks; all ten are Madonna's version of "Santa Baby". He will sit in his recliner and listen to the CD play all the way through. So, which is more strange? Bob listening to Christmas music in March? Or Bob listening to Madonna? How about both at the same time.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Movies
I ask Bob whether he might want to go to the movie theatre at some point. He gives me a funny look and replies, "I haven't been there in a while." "What did you see last time you went?" He pauses for a minute while trying to remember, "I think it was E.T."
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Corn Spider
When Bob was making his cereal last night, he noticed a stray corn flake lying on the stove. He picked it up and was about to put it in his mouth when he stopped to examine it a little closer. It was then that he realized that it was not a corn flake at all. It was a dead spider. He told me all of this earlier this morning with another warning not relay the story to the Facebook community. "Bob, I have to."
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Every morning without fail, Bob has cereal. He uses the same bowl and spoon every day. The spoon is the size of a child's sandbox shovel and has been worn down to a metallic brown. The bowl is olive green and the size of a World War II army helmet. His cereal consists of powdered milk, bran, granola, freeze dried strawberries, raisins, and almonds (filled up to the brim). It takes about 40 minutes for him consume.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Over the past couple weeks, Bob has developed a nickname for me. Whenever I walk in the house or enter a room, he says "Hey there, Graypo". I don't know why. I am pretty sure that it does not mean anything. I think he just decided to add "po" to the end of my name. It only bothers me a little bit, so I'll let it continue. If he ever calls me Graypo within 30 minutes of my waking up, the nicknaming will end abruptly.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
While we are watching TV, Bob turns to me, furrows his brow, and asks, "What is that cookie that is shaped like a man?" Taken back by the unexpected question, I take a minute to respond: "That would be a gingerbread man". "Oh that's right..... don't you go posting that on facebook." "Don't worry, Bob, I won't."
Monday, February 8, 2010
Brushing Teeth
Last night, I was watching the Crime Investigation channel with Bob. All of a sudden, he starts violently shaking from head to toe. Startled, I look over to see him sitting in his recliner brushing his teeth. I ask him what in world he's doing, and he simply replies that he is saving time by brushing his teeth while watching TV. We blankly stare at each other for a few seconds, and then he resumes his dental seizure.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Alarm Clock
When Bob sets his alarm for the next morning, it ends up going off at 11 PM, not AM. Every night. He is downstairs watching TV right now and can't hear it. I am in bed and can hear it loud and clear. Right now, I can't muster the energy to get out of bed and turn it off. At least it is blaring Aerosmith.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Grandpa Bob enters my room while I am trying to sleep, flips on the light, and asks where I keep my underwear. I tell him I am sleeping. He goes over to my dresser and starts going through my boxers trying to find out what size my underwear is. I tell him to leave. He insists on finding out so he can buy me some more underwear. I can get my own. Getttttt outtttt..
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